Heavy IndustrIes
There are some sought-after features in the region where heavy industry is established. These features are; proximity to raw materials, amount of need, marketing, transportation and consumption amount. Having these features is one of the issues that need to be paid the most attention, and thanks to them, it is ensured that the industry or production meets the needs, is easily delivered to the foreign market, and needs are easily met in the domestic market.
Heavy industry provides services in areas such as machinery industry, mining, metallurgy, energy, defense industry and chemical industry. Heavy industry is industry that involves equipment, large-scale infrastructure, and numerous processes. Due to these factors, heavy industry involves higher capital intensity than light industry and also generally has a more intensive cycle in investment and employment.

RevIson Works
Execution of work with instrumental alignment and mechanical commissioning at your enterprise is a guarantee of a long-term, high-quality, and safe operation of the equipment.

Manufacturıng Actıvıtıes
Since heavy industry is an industry that includes equipment, large-scale infrastructure and many processes, the equipment and vehicles used and manufactured in the field of heavy industry differ compared to other industries. As representative of Çorum Teknik Çelik and Ersel Heavy Machine in Russia, Damar Heavy Industries manufactures the necessary equipment.

Damar Heavy Industries can calculate and provide a project for a complex of services, including the production, supply and installation of industrial equipment, as well as commissioning, with a guarantee for the work completed.

The importance of industrial pipes extends beyond mere material transportation; it enables the processing of raw materials into final products and supports critical societal structures. Through the intricate network of pipes and pipelines, materials are transported from one point to another, undergoing various processing and refinement stages.
Damar Heavy Industries successfully executes the design, installation, maintenance, and repair of industrial piping. Additionally, it meets the demands of its customers for the optimal functionality and longevity of piping.

Execution of work with instrumental alignment and mechanical commissioning at your enterprise is a guarantee of a long term, high-quality, and safe operation of the equipment.